NEW ORLEANS -- CrimeStoppers and the U.S. Marshal's Office are looking for accused noncompliant sex offenders and other suspects during the annual Operation Boo Dat round up. The case is the latest one to roll on the Wheel of Justice.
The round up begins before Halloween and aims to protect families from noncompliant sex offenders who should not be participating in Halloween trick or treat activities.
This year there are 24 suspects on the list. Most are accused of failing to register as sex offenders, however a few are accused of other crimes.
CrimeStoppers and the U.S. Marshal's Office also teamed up for a video to better explain the round up and how you can help.
So far, more than 410 people have been booked after their cases rolled on the Wheel of Justice.
This year, Operation Boo Dat will run until December 11.